
Cosmological redshift equation examples
Cosmological redshift equation examples

cosmological redshift equation examples

This view has been expressed by many top researchers, including the Einstein. Nevertheless the big bang is not what we would expect as a beginning of the universe.

cosmological redshift equation examples

Today, and after a huge number of articles that have been written for about a century, in primary and secondary scientific journals and in the media, the hypothesis of the big bang seems perfectly normal. This results in the hypothesis of the big bang. According to the SCM, going back in time the universe should be derived from a point of nearly infinite temperature and density. This includes all cosmological models and of course the SCM. The way we choose to justify the redshift of distant astronomical objects characterizes the resulting cosmological model. The observation of CMBR was one of the most important reasons for the prevalence of SCM against the model of “continuous creation” and other competitive models in this respect. The CMBR is predicted by the SCM, but not from the model of continuous creation. A radiation corresponding to the blackbody spectrum of about 3 degrees Kelvin, which suffuses the universe coming from every direction. However in 1964 Arno Allan Penzias and Robert Woodrow Wilson observe the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR). This hypothesis can justify the redshift. The basic idea is that new hydrogen atoms are constantly being created in the universe. The most notable is the proposal of leading astronomer Fred Hoyle on the assumption of “continuous creation”. There have been other efforts for justification of redshift​. The redshift could be justified in an expanding universe. Depending on the amount of matter it contains it may be either static, or collapsing to a point, or expanding. The foundation of the model was made by Friedman (1922) and Lemaitre (1927).Īccording to the general theory of relativity the universe is unstable. This gave rise to the standard cosmological model (SCM). Based on the physical theories of the last century, the redshift could be explained by the expansion of the universe, a prediction made ​​by the general theory of relativity. With the redshift of distant astronomical objects confirmed, the question is raised about its theoretical justification. Until about 1930, Hubble has confirmed that the astronomical objects which he observes and whose redshift he records, are actually other galaxies outside the Milky Way.

cosmological redshift equation examples

The parameter H is called the Hubble constant, while c is the speed of light in vacuum. With the distance r, of astronomical objects via the simple equation Soon Hubble discovers that from some distance and beyond the line spectrum of astronomical objects is shifted to longer wavelengths. In the early twentieth century, Slipher, Hubble and other astronomers observe that the atomic spectral lines of distant astronomical objects are shifted either to longer wavelengths (redshift), or to smaller ones (blueshift). With this information he can draw conclusions about the mass or volume of the astronomical object. From the values ​​of the measured wavelength and the characteristic which is known, the observer can get information about gravity in the area of the astronomical object. The wavelength of the photon is also affected by the gravity of the astronomical object-photon source. This is caused by the Doppler effect and its mathematical description allows the observer to draw conclusions about the velocity of the astronomical object from the values of and. If the astronomical object moves relative to an observer the wavelength received by the observer is different from the characteristic for each atom, wavelength. The wavelength of a photon can be altered by specific causes related to the astronomical object-photon source. However, the study of the line spectrum can give us further information about the astronomical object besides its chemical composition. The study of the line spectrum of astronomical objects constitutes the simplest way to detect the chemical elements that constitute them. The detection of one of these wavelengths from the line spectrum, as it is called, is the signature of the atom which emits or absorbs the photons. IntroductionĮach atom emits or absorbs photons with strictly defined wavelengths. Cosmological redshift of distant astronomical objects as a result of a fundamental principle of nature.

Cosmological redshift equation examples